At BVIZIBLE Reflectors, we are about saving lives, one pedestrian at a time.
We regularly work with state government agencies, non-profit organizations as well as for-profit organizations. We are also involved in various safety initiatives, such as school safety campaigns and educational safety programs, including those specifically targeting underrepresented communities. We have also worked with law enforcement to raise awareness of road safety issues both in cities and rural areas.
We frequently travel to local communities and schools to educate the population of the importance of pedestrian and cyclist visibility on our roads, and how wearing a BVIZIBLE reflector significantly increases this visibility.
Among states we have worked with are the state of Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire.
Organizations we have worked with include, among others, Safe Kids Worldwide and Connecticut Children's Medical Center.
Please see below for some customer quotes.
See below what our customers and partners have said about our BVIZIBLE reflectors
BVIZIBLE Reflectors partnered up with the Vermont Department of Health in late 2022 to help support Vermont's Watch For Me VT program, which is a wider initiative that seeks to reduce injuries and deaths on Vermont roadways. To further help improve the safety of the Vermont communities, Vermont's Watch For Me VT program launched a pilot program at the end of 2022 called “Be Bright at Night”.
The “Be Bright at Night” program was specifically targeted at pedestrians and cyclists who are at the risk of being hit by a motor vehicle in particular during the evenings and the darker months of the year.
BVIZIBLE reflectors were the core product of the “Be Bright at Night” program.
In connection with this new road safety initiative, volunteers with Vermont's Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) distributed more than 3,000 BVIZIBLE reflectors together with educational road safety materials to people and communities throughout the state. The program had a special focus on populations that are disproportionately impacted by pedestrian crashes and are at a higher risk of injury.
The “Be Bright at Night” program was a tremendous success, and the outreach was significant: the social media campaigns reached almost 4,000 people and there were more than 700 different conversations on road safety. The District Office of Vermont received several queries from people interested in receiving a BVIZIBLE reflector that would help them stay visible during the dark winter months.
According to the report published by the State of Vermont in January 2023, all the participants were either satisfied or extremely satisfied with the “Be Bright at Night” program. Based on the success of the initial program, BVIZIBLE Reflectors was chosen to be the official partner of the broader, statewide Be Bright At Night Campaign in 2024. In the 2024 campaign, Vermont is distributing 25,000 of our reflectors to bus riders, senior centers, running groups and school kids, among others.
In January 2023, the Vermont Department of Health published a report of the Pilot Program and how well the Program had been received. See below for further details on their findings:
Vermont Department of Health
Vermont Department of Health
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Bvizible® reflectors